Month: January 2023
One Love Healing?
The real healing is Love. Love is universal and all embracing. However, over the years or even lifetimes there are traumas that we have experienced that have put us into fear and fragmented our being. One Love Healing can help bring your fragmented parts back into self-healing so you can be whole once more.
- Reduce stress, worry and anxiety
- Increase clarity, productivity & efficiency
- Make better decisions, and fulfil your true potential
- Experience more love, compassion and a deeper spiritual connection
- Bring deep peace and relaxation
- Clear the route trauma that brings you suffering so you can be free again
- Clear the way for you to stand in your power and enhance your latent gifts
What clients say*
I am Feeling so much "lighter" overall...
The home and property feel SO MUCH LIGHTER!! ❤️🌟

Seeta T (USA)
Negative Entity removal
5/5 more hip pain. Feel good... I don’t wake up during the night because of the pain anymore.

Dominique MC (France)
Hip pain cleared after 2 years of suffering after a single facilitated session
I feel so relaxed, calm, clear and light. My mind is still. I’m doing alright. No complaints or anything!

Mike S (LA, California)
Negative spirit removal, double jab & emotional trauma healing
I was bedridden after falling down the stairs and in lots of pain. Now I am up and about, the pain has gone just a little dull ache. My range of motion is back and feel brighter and moving about without issue. It's just like magic.

Lynda B (Midlands, UK)
Negative Entity removal, trauma & bone healing
Amazing experience... I suffered trauma from a kid... lost self confidence... hit a bit of depression... After the session my heart felt more open... and able to stand in my power... cleared illness instantly.

Scott W (USA)
Depression & childhood trauma shifted and moved
Went from not being able to stop crying and feeling scared to being relaxed, calm and happy to be at home and slept very well for the first time in a long time.

Rosaria S (Ireland)
Negative spirit removal, emotions and living space healing